TELERISE: 1st International Workshop on TEchnical and LEgal aspects of data pRIvacy and SEcurity
Affiliated workshop with ICSE 2015
Florence, Italy, May 18, 2015


Information sharing is essential for today's business and societal transactions. Nevertheless, such a sharing should not violate the security and privacy requirements dictated by Law, by internal regulations of organisations, and by data subjects. An effectual, rapid, and unfailing electronic data sharing among different parties, while protecting legitimate rights on these data, is a key issue with several shades. Among them, how to translate the high-level law obligations, business constraints, and users' requirements into system-level privacy policies, providing efficient and practical solutions for policy definition and enforcement. TELERISE aims at providing a forum for researchers and engineers, in academia and industry, to foster an exchange of research results, experiences, and products in the area of privacy preserving and secure data management, from a technical and legal perspective. The ultimate goal is to conceive new trends and ideas on designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions for privacy-preserving information sharing, with an eye to cross-relations between ICT and regulatory aspects of data management.

The list of topics includes (but it is not limited to):

Welcome domains of application are (but may not limited to):

Important dates:

Submission deadline for paper: January 30, 2015 (EXTENDED)
Notification of authors: February 18, 2015
Camera-ready copy due: February 27, 2015

Workshop Organizers:

Program Committee:


Submitted papers must be written in English and must contain results that have not previously published nor concurrently submitted to a journal or conference with published proceedings. Any partial overlap with any published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. Submissions are limited to 6 pages in the IEEE format (at link ICSE 2015 formatting and submission instructions ). Additional details may be included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the PC. Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair at .


The selection of contributions will be based on peer-review by the Programme Committee. Each accepted paper will be published in the IEEE format (at link ICSE 2015 formatting and submission instructions ) jointly with the ICSE 2015 proceedings and in both the ACM Digital Library and the IEEE Digital Library. It is required that each accepted paper be presented at the workshop by one of its authors. Authors of accepted papers are required to submit the final, camera-ready versions of their papers (in IEEE format), including an electronic version as specified in the authors' instructions.

Keynote Speaker

We are honoured to announce that the keynote will be given by Prof. Bart Preenel, full professor in the research group COSIC of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. His research area is information security mainly focused on cryptographic algorithms and protocols as well as their applications to computer and network security and mobile communications.

Title. Cryptography and Information Security in the post-Snowden era.

Short Abstract.
In June 2013 Snowden has transferred a set of sensitive documents to journalists, resulting in a continuous stream of revelations on mass surveillance by governments. We present an overview of these revelations; we also discuss their impact on our understanding of mass surveillance practices and the security of ICT systems. In particular, we discuss the known ways in which sophisticated attackers can bypass or undermine cryptography. We conclude by analyzing how these revelations affect future research in information security and privacy.



For any question, please contact the organizing committee at


The workshop is supported by the FP7-EU Project CoCo-Cloud: Confidential and Compliant Clouds funded by the European Commission under the grant n°610853