The introduction of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) systems into vehicles make them more prone to cyber-security attacks. Such attacks may impact on vehicles capability and, consequently, on the safety of drivers, passengers. Indeed, the strong integration between dedicated ICT devices, the physical environment, and the networking infrastructure, leads to consider modern vehicles as Cyber-Physical Systems.
This workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers and engineers in academia and industry to foster an exchange of research results, experiences, and products in the automotive domain from both a theoretical and practical perspective.
Its ultimate goal is to envision new trends and ideas about aspects of designing, implementing, and evaluating innovative solutions for the Cyber-Physical Systems with a particular focus on the new generation of vehicles.
Indeed, the automotive domain presents several challenges in the fields of vehicular network, Internet of Things, Privacy, as well as, Safety and Security methods and approaches.
The workshop aims at presenting the advancement on the state of art in these fields and spreading their adoption in several scenarios involving main stockholders of the automotive domain.
The list of topics includes (but it is not limited to):
- Architecture, design, and implementation of safe and secure Cyber-Physical Systems
- Automated Vehicular Technologies
- Vehicular Communications and Networks
- In-Vehicle communication protocols
- User-friendly authoring tools to edit privacy preferences
- Technical infrastructures for privacy and security policies management
- User-to-Vehicle interactions and communications
- Software Process Development in Automotive systems
- Security threats and vulnerabilities of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Safety and Security Trade-off and Convergences
- Cooperative/collaborative vehicular systems;
- Cyber-security solutions for connected and autonomous vehicles
- Privacy of vehicular data
- Driver behaviour characterization
- Standardization and Interoperability
Welcome domains of application are (but may not limited to):
- Automotive
- Vehicular Network
- Internet of Things
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Smart cities and Smart environment
Important dates
Submission deadline for paper: | 22/05/2018 29/05/2018 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) |
Notification of authors: | 04/06/2018 11/06/2018 |
Camera-ready copy due: | 18/06/2018 21/06/2018 |
Workshop: | 18/09/2018 |
- Gianpiero Costantino, IIT-CNR, Italy
- Ilaria Matteucci, IIT-CNR, Italy
- Giampaolo Bella, Univesity of Catania, Italy
- Silvia Bonomi, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
- Jeremy Bryans, Coventry University, UK
- Gianpiero Costantino, IIT-CNR, Italy (Co-Chair)
- Francesco Di Cerbo, SAP, France
- John Mace, University of Newcastle, UK
- Eda Marchetti, ISTI-CNR, Italy
- Ilaria Matteucci, IIT-CNR, Italy (Co-Chair)
- Francesco Mercaldo, IIT-CNR, Italy
- Paolo Santi, MIT, US
- Francesco Santini, University of Perugia, Italy
- Daniele Sgandurra, Royal Holloway - University of London, UK
- Renaud Sirdey, CEA, France
The keynote Speaker is Mathias Johanson, from Alkit Communication, Sweden.
Title. Connected vehicles: challenges and opportunities.
Abstract. Connectivity and telematics services are rapidly transforming the automotive industry, turning vehicles into complex, connected Cyber-Physical Systems. Clearly, this brings great opportunities for automotive companies and information service providers in developing new connected end-user services, as well as powerful ICT-based tools for automotive product development. However, there are also a number of problems arising when connecting vehicles to a communication infrastructure, including cyber-security issues, safety and privacy issues. To overcome these challenges and to explore and unleash the innovation potentials of novel connected vehicular services, automotive developers must change their product development process to accommodate for security by design, while at the same time being highly agile and responsive to user needs, using tools and methods enabling fast iterative development, rapid prototyping, proof of concept testing and continuous integration. This ability will be key to success in the development of next generation connected products and services in the automotive sector.
- 08:00-09:00 Registration Desk
- 09:15-09:30 Opening
- 09:30-10:30 Keynote
- Mathias Johanson. Connected vehicles: challenges and opportunities.

- 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:30 Session 1. In-vehicle Security (Chair: Gianpiero Costantino)
- Daisuke Souma, Akira Mori, Hideki Yamamoto and Yoichi Hata. Counter Attacks for Bus-off Attacks.

- T. Sebastian Andreica, B. Groza and P.-S. Murvay. Applications of pairing-based cryptography on automotive-grade microcontrollers.
- Giampaolo Bella and Pietro Biondi. Towards an Integrated Penetration Testing Environment for the CAN Protocol.

- 12:30-14:00 Lunch
- 14:00-15:30 Session 2. Security in Vehicular Infrastructure (Chair: Ilaria Matteucci)
- C.B.S.T. Molina, L.F. Vismari, T.Y. Fujii, J.B. Camargo Jr, J.R. de Almeida Jr, Rafia Inam, Elena Fersman, A. Hata and M.V. Marquezini. Enhancing sensor capabilities of open-source simulation tools to support autonomous vehicles safety validation.

- Alexandru Serban, Erik Poll and Joost Visser. A security analysis of the ETSI ITS vehicular communications.
- Fabio Martinelli, Francesco Mercaldo, Vittoria Nardone, Antonella Santone and Gigliola Vaglini. Real-Time Driver Behaviour Characterization through Rule-based Machine

- 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
- 16:00 End of the Workshop
Submitted papers must be written in English and must contain results that have not previously
published nor concurrently submitted to a journal or conference with published proceedings. Any partial overlap with any
published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. Submissions, as pdf files, are limited to 12 pages. The
selection of accepted contributions will be based on peer-review by the PC. Accepted papers will be published by Springer
in “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” volume.
Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair at

It is required that each accepted paper be presented at the workshop by one of its authors.
For any question, please contact the