There is increasing need to provide quantification of security assurance over the multi-level development life-cycle of systems & services, e.g., from requirements elicitation to run-time operation and maintenance. Addressing such quantitative aspects, the QASA workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the quantification research dimensions spanning dependability, security, privacy and risk, and with particular emphasis on techniques for service oriented architectures.
The list of topics includes (but it is not limited to):
- Assurance cases modeling and analysis
- Metrics for trust, security and privacy
- Probabilistic/stochastic model checking
- Quantitative information flow analysis
- Security testing techniques
- Static/dynamic code analysis techniques
- Incremental/modular security assurance analysis
- Model-based techniques for assurance
- Process compliance assurance techniques
- Quantitative issues in access and usage control
- Simulation techniques for security, privacy, risk
- Tool support for quantitative security assurance
Important dates:
Submission deadline for paper: | July 10, 2015 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) |
Notification of authors: | July 28, 2015 |
Camera-ready pre-procs copy due: | August 20, 2015 |
Final post-procs copy due: | October, 2015 |
Workshop Organizers:
- Alessandro Aldini, Univ. of Urbino, Italy
- Fabio Martinelli, IIT-CNR, Italy
- Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Program Committee:
- Andrea Bondavalli, Univ. of Florence
- Tom Clothia, Univ. of Birmingham
- Jorge Cuellar, Siemens
- Frédéric Cuppens, Telecom-Bretagne
- Joaquin Garcia Alfaro, Telecom Sud-Paris
- Javier Lopez, Univ. of Malaga
- Jesus Luna, CSA
- Cathy Meadows, NRL
- Charles Morisset, Univ. of Newcastle, UK
- Pierangela Samarati, Univ. of Milan, IT
- Ketil Stoelen, SINTEF
- Lorenzo Strigini, City London University
- Herbert Wiklicky, IC
As in previous editions, revised version of the selected papers are expected to be published in a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer.Submission
Submissions of full papers are in English, of at most 16 pages complying with the LNCS formatting and must be submitted electronically using the following link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qasa2015. Submission of short papers of at most 6 pages is also possible. Authors of short papers accepted for presentation will have the opportunity to produce long version to be further reviewed for possible inclusion in the LNCS post-proceedings.
A preliminary version of the DPM+QASA program can be downloaded here.
For any question, please contact the organizing committee at qasa2015@iit.cnr.it.
Supported by: