QASA 2014
3rd International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects in Security Assurance
Affiliated workshop with ESORICS 2014
Wroclow, Poland, September 11, 2014


There is an increasing demand for techniques to deal with quantitative aspects of security assurance at several levels of the development life-cycle of systems & services, e.g., from requirements elicitation to run-time operation and maintenance. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in these research topics with a particular emphasis techniques for service oriented architectures. The scope of the workshop, is intended to be broad, including aspects as dependability, privacy, risk, and trust.

The list of topics includes, but it is not limited to:

Important dates:

Submission deadline for paper: July 8 2014 (NEW!)
Notification: July 30 2014 (NEW!)

Workshop Organizers:

Program Committee:

Programme and Proceedings

The program will consist of invited speakers as well as of submitted papers. The workshop post-proceedings will be published with LNCS Springer, in cooperation with DPM/SETOP workshops.

Submissions of full papers are in English, of at most 15 pages complying with the LNCS formatting and must be submitted electronically using the following link: .

Submission of short papers of at most 6 pages is also possible. Authors of short papers accepted for presentation will have the opportunity to produce long version to be further reviewed for possible inclusion in the post-proceedings.


Download here the PDF version of the program.


For any question, please contact the organizing committee at


The workshop is also sponsored by the FP7 Network of Excellence NESSoSand the EU project SESAMO and SPECS.